The use of specific methods other than gravimetric ones to analyse fibre permitted a more precise study of the degradation of cell wall (CW) in the digestive tract. Digesta flow and rate of passage measurements have not been assessed previously in rabbits to investigate fibre digestion and fibre effects simultaneously in the proximal and in the distal segments of the tract. The effect of the level of dietary fibre on ileal and overall digestibility and rate of passage were studied by comparing semi-purified diets containing only one source of CW (dehydrated lucerne (Medicago sativa) meal) given to adult female rabbits. The effect of fibre particle size and adaptation period were also investigated. Measurements of fibre composition using both colorimetric and gas-liquid chromatographic techniques, showed that large amounts of (CW) were degraded in the caecocolic segments. Increasing dietary fibre level reduced the rate of passage but fibre degradation was increased, at the same time a lower digestive efficiency for energy in the small intestine was found. A small quantity of CW was apparently degraded before the caecum, assuming that the water-soluble fraction of CW was essentially implicated. Grinding lucerne meal through a 1 mm instead of a 3 mm screen did not improve CW digestibility in spite of a longer rate of passage in the caeco-colic segments. Adaptation to a high-fibre diet resulted in an higher digestive volume for colon and caecum, related to an improved degradation of CW. Furthermore, digestive efficiency in the small intestine appeared higher for rabbits adapted to a high-fibre diet than that for rabbits initially fed on a low-fibre diet.

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