Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Smoking—A Review

The relationship between smoking and inflammatory bowel disease is a curious but well-established one. It is negatively associated with ulcerative colitis but positively associated with Crohn's disease. It also has opposite influences on the clinical course of the two conditions with possible beneficial effect in ulcerative colitis and detrimental effect in Crohn's disease. The diametrically "opposite" relationship of smoking status with the two conditions has been the subject of much interest in the hope that it may reveal pathogenic mechanisms responsible for the two conditions and possibly offer the key to alternative therapeutic options. Nicotine may be the principal agent in smoking responsible for the association; trials have shown it to be of some benefit in ulcerative colitis, but further research is required to establish its therapeutic role and possible mechanisms of action. In this article, we review the historical, clinical, and therapeutic aspects of the association between smoking and inflammatory bowel disease.