Observation off-band final-state structures in gold by ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy

The availability of synchrotron radiation from storage rings makes possible a new technique for studying final-state structures in ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS). By synchronously varying the photoelectron kinetic energy and the photon energy, constant initial-state-energy spectra were obtained for Au in the spectral range 8<hν<30 eV; these data complement previous UPS and x-ray photoemission spectroscopy data which have been used to elucidate the properties of electron states near the Fermi energy, EF. Pronounced structures attributed to df transitions near the center of the Brillouin zone were observed for final-state energies about 16 eV above EF. The amplitude of these structures is a sensitive function of initial-state energy. Although a complete band-structure interpretation was not attempted, the data support the relativistic band calculation of Christensen and Seraphin, which places the f-band edge, Γ6, at 15.6 eV above EF. Thermoreflectance data on Au near 20 eV are reinterpreted in the light of this finding.