Neurosecretory cells in the caudal spinal cord of fishes were first discovered in elasmobranches. However, most of the subsequent work on the caudal neurosecretory system has emphasized its morphology and function in teleosts. Two major peptides, urotensins I and II (UI and UII), have been isolated from this system in teleosts and their amino acid sequences have been determined. We have used immunohistochemical techniques to confirm and expand previous morphological and pharmacological findings regarding the phylogenetic occurrence and the anatomical organization of the caudal neurosecretory system and to localize putative neurohormonal products within its structural elements. UII‐immunoreactive neuronal structures were found in the holocephalan, Hydrolagus collei; the elasmobranches, Squalus acanthias, Dasyatis sabina, and Raja binoculata; the dipnoan, Protopterus annectens; the brachiopterygian, Erpetoichthys calabaricus; the chondrostean, Polyodon spathula; and the holosteans Lepisosteus platyrhinchus and Amia calva. UI/corticotropin‐releasing‐factor immunoreactive elements were detected in the caudal spinal cords of Petromyzon marinus, Raja binoculata, Polydon spathula, Lepisosteus platyrhinchus, L. osseus, L. platostomus, and Amia calva. In addition, in several of these species, immunohistochemical techniques have provided evidence for serotoninergic input to the caudal neurosecretory system.