Unique features of recombinant heme oxygenase of Drosophila melanogaster compared with those of other heme oxygenases studied

We cloned a cDNA for a Drosophila melanogaster homologue of mammalian heme oxygenase (HO) and constructed a bacterial expression system of a truncated, soluble form of D. melanogaster HO (DmDeltaHO). The purified DmDeltaHO degraded hemin to biliverdin, CO and iron in the presence of reducing systems such as NADPH/cytochrome P450 reductase and sodium ascorbate, although the reaction rate was slower than that of mammalian HOs. Some properties of DmHO, however, are quite different from other known HOs. Thus DmDeltaHO bound hemin stoichiometrically to form a hemin-enzyme complex like other HOs, but this complex did not show an absorption spectrum of hexa-coordinated heme protein. The absorption spectrum of the ferric complex was not influenced by changing the pH of the solution. Interestingly, an EPR study revealed that the iron of heme was not involved in binding heme to the enzyme. Hydrogen peroxide failed to convert it into verdoheme. A spectrum of the ferrous-CO form of verdoheme was not detected during the reaction from hemin under oxygen and CO. Degradation of hemin catalyzed by DmDeltaHO yielded three isomers of biliverdin, of which biliverdin IXalpha and two other isomers (IXbeta and IXdelta) accounted for 75% and 25%, respectively. Taken together, we conclude that, although DmHO acts as a real HO in D. melanogaster, its active-site structure is quite different from those of other known HOs.