DNA anti-DNA immune complexes (IC) play a major role in the pathogenesis of SLE. We studied the clearance and organ localization of small DNA anti-DNA IC formed at different Ag/antibody ratios in normal mice. IC formed at Ag excess, containing areas of "exposed" DNA not covered by IgG, showed rapid Ag-mediated clearance from the circulation by the liver. DNAse digestion of these IC in vitro yielded small IC devoid of exposed DNA that were cleared more slowly from the circulation. IC formed at antibody excess were cleared by an Ag-independent mechanism at rates proportional to the number of IgG in the IC. None of the IC studied bound significantly to complement receptors on circulating cells in vivo or in vitro. For all IC, after initial rapid clearance, 10 to 20% of the injected material persisted in the circulation. Analysis of these IC showed that they were processed in vivo to yield complexes similar to those generated by in vitro DNAse digestion. We conclude that IC containing exposed DNA are removed rapidly from the circulation by Ag-mediated clearance. However, in vivo processing of IC occurs to yield smaller IC that are cleared slowly. We propose that these IC containing small DNA may persist in the circulation and accumulate in tissues, thereby playing an important role in the pathogenesis of tissue injury in SLE.