Conservative Medical Management of Advanced Cervical Ectopic Pregnancies

Cervical ectopic pregnancy is the rarest form of ectopic gestation. Viable cervical ectopic pregnancies of 10 weeks’ gestation or more are even rarer. It is unclear whether these advanced cervical ectopic gestations should be managed primarily by surgical evacuation or by more conservative medical management with chemotherapeutic agents. Cases of medical treatment of viable cervical ectopic gestations reported in the literature are reviewed. An additional case of a 10.6 weeks of gestation, viable cervical ectopic pregnancy treated with methotrexate, intrafetal potassium chloride, and intramuscular methotrexate is added to the previously reported literature. Advanced cervical ectopic pregnancies with fetal cardiac activity at 10 or more weeks’ gestation may be successfully managed with chemotherapeutic agents. Ultrasound-guided intrafetal injection of feticidal agents may be preferable to maternal systemic chemotherapy alone. Obstetricians & Gynecologists, Family Physicians After completion of this article, the reader will be able to list the various techniques used to control bleeding from a cervical pregnancy, to outline the criteria needed for the medical management of a cervical pregnancy, and to summarize the literature concerning the medical management of a cervical pregnancy.