Variation in Cydia pomonella Granulosis Virus Isolates and Physical Maps of the DNA from Three Variants

Cydia pomonella granulosis viruses (CpGV) from seven different sources in Europe, America and New Zealand were compared by restriction enzyme analysis. Most samples were indistinguishable from the Mexican isolate (CpGV-M). Isolates from Russia (CpGV-R) and England (CpGV-E) showed small genotypic differences. CpGV-E was shown to be a mixture of two variants, E1 and E2. CpGV-E1 was indistinguishable from CpGV-M. A physical map of CpGV-M was constructed for the enzymes EcoRI, BamHI, HindIII, SmaI and ApaI. A comparison of fragment profiles allowed construction of maps for CpGV-R and CpGV-E2. Relative to CpGV-M, CpGV-R had a single deletion of 2.4 kbp and CpGV-E2 was modified in one area resulting in an additional EcoRI site, a shift in a BamHI site and in total about 1 kbp more DNA. The map was orientated by locating the granulin gene using the cloned granulin gene from Trichoplusia ni GV as a probe. There was no significant difference between the infectivities of the Mexican, Russian and English isolates for neonate larvae.