This study tested the hypothesis that the level of available P in volcanic ash soils is a rate‐limiting factor for organic matter mineralization. Additions of calcium phosphate to give levels of P of 1,200 and 2,400 ppm significantly increased the amount of N mineralized and CO2 evolved as compared to soils not treated with P. Although the addition of glucose to these soils increased CO2 evolved, there was significantly more CO2 evolved in the presence of glucose and P than when glucose had been the only addition. Amendment of the soils with N did not have any significant affect on the rate of CO2 evolution. Both N and P additions stimulated N mineralization. The P×N interaction was also significant for C and N mineralization. It was concluded that available P is a rate‐limiting factor for organic matter mineralization in Andepts.
Funding Information
  • United States Agency for International Development (AID/CSd 2806)