V3 Sequence Diversity of HIV-1 Subtype E in Infected Mothers and Their Infants

To elucidate genetic characteristics of HIV-1 subtype E involved in vertical transmission, V3 regions of HIV-1 subtype E isolated from 17 infected mothers (M1-M17) and their infants (I1-I17) at 1 month after birth were sequenced after cloned into pCRII vectors. At least three clones of each sample were collected. All mothers were asymptomatic and had been infected through a heterosexual route. Nine infants (I9-I17) showed mild symptomatic and immunosuppression within the first year of life. The interpatient nucleotide distance of mothers and infants in this group (0.065 ± 0.008) were of greater diversity than those of a nonimmunosuppression group (0.039 ± 0.006) by a significant amount (Fischer's exact test, p = .003). The substitution with asparagine (N) at threonine (T) at position 13 and aspartic acid (D) at position 29 of the V3 sequence were significantly associated with nonimmunosuppression in the first year of life (F-test, p = 0.003). Either a single or multiple viral variants could transmit from mothers to their infants.