Properties of high heliolatitude solar energetic particle events and constraints on models of acceleration and propagation

We analyse 9 large solar energetic particle (SEP) events detected by the Ulysses spacecraft at high heliolatitudes during the recent solar maximum polar passes. Properties of time intensity profiles from the Ulysses/COSPIN instrument are compared with those measured by SOHO/COSTEP and Wind/3DP near Earth. We find that onset times and times to maximum at high latitude are delayed compared to in‐ecliptic values. We show that the parameter which best orders these characteristics of time profiles is the difference in latitude between the associated flare and the spacecraft. We find that the presence of a shock is not necessary for the establishing of near equal intensities at Ulysses and in the ecliptic during the decay phase. The model of SEP acceleration by coronal mass ejection driven shocks does not appear to account for our observations, which would more easily be explained by particle diffusion across the interplanetary magnetic field.