Partial-wave dispersion relations for the nonrelativistic five-nucleon system

Partial-wave dispersion relations for the coupled α+n and t+d channels of the Z=2 five-nucleon system have been solved by the matrix ND technique. Driving terms have been constructed from one- and two-cluster exchange graphs with parameters of vertex functions taken from studies of A4 subsystems. Accurate solutions to the coupled N and D equations have been obtained by a Pagels approximation based on [N,N1] Padé approximants. Coulomb forces in charged-fragment channels were incorporated via the repeated ND scheme of Kinoshita and Kugler. No proper treatment has been given of the anomalous threshold of the t+dα+n proton-exchange graph. Calculated α+n scattering phase shifts lack uniqueness, due to strong sensitivity to the inaccurately known vertex parameters used as input, but display the basic features of repulsion in the s wave, occurrence of resonances in the p waves, and existence of the small 3/2+, d-wave resonance just above the t+d threshold. Failure of the calculation to produce the width of the p-wave resonances is attributed to the improper treatment of the anomalous threshold. Differential cross sections for t+dα+n show reasonable agreement with experiment in both the forward and backward directions but lack details of the observed structure at medium angles. The latter again occurs for the calculated t+d elastic scattering cross sections which moreover are unsatisfactory at forward angles. A comparison with other coupled-channel calculations of light systems is attmpted.