THE TERM folie à deux is used to describe the adoption by an otherwise sane person of the delusions of an insane one. The usual setting is that, in circumstances of comparative seclusion, the personality of the sane person is dominated by that of the other. The condition is always of interest for its picturesqueness, as well as for its rarity. The following case is presented on both counts and because it is, so far as I know, the first to be recorded in which prefrontal leukotomy was the method of relief. REPORT OF CASE Mrs. F., aged 61, first came under observation in May 1946. All her life she had been a self-conscious, meticulous, overscrupulous, energetic and dominating personality. She was the youngest of eight children, born of stable parents, who had lived until they were over 80. The only evidence of psychiatric abnormality was in one sister, who,

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