The nonlinear transport problem for the unstable phonon in piezoelectric semiconductors is described in a picture of electron-phonon interaction; the hydrodynamical approach is followed for the purpose of discussing the collision-frequent regime of electrons (ql<1). With the aid of an iteration method for the nonlinear terms which describe the coupling between the electrons and the phonons, the kinetic equation for phonon distribution function Nq is derived; the equation includes a nonlinear collision term due to the three-phonon processes coming from the third order in electron-phonon interaction. The steady-state solution of this equation is discussed. It is found that for phonons of extremely low wave vector the three-phonon process can not effectively limit their growth; but in a restricted wave-vector region, the steady-state solution due to this process is obtained under a certain assumption. The acoustoelectric current is estimated with use of the phonon distribution function determined in this region.