A total of 1357 polypeptides [946 acidic (isoelectric focusing) and 411 basic (nonequilibrium pH-gradient electrophoresis)] from human HeLa cells have been separated and catalogued with use of high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Of these polypeptides, 1266 were detected by labeling cells with [35S]methionine, while the rest were revealed by silver staining or by labeling with a mixture of 16 14C-labeled amino acids. For convenience, all these polypeptides have been numbered and are indicated in a large fold-out protein map. The percentages of some of the major 14C-labeled proteins have been determined, and for some we list a few characteristics such as: variation during the cell cycle; cellular distribution in cytoplasts and karyoplasts; presence in Triton- and salt-extracted cytoskeletons; and phosphorylation and sensitivity to neoplastic transformation.