Laminar Analysis of Cerebral Blood Flow in Cortex of Rats by Laser-Doppler Flowmetry: A Pilot Study

Laser-Doppler flowmetry (LDF) is a reliable method for estimation of relative changes of CBF. The measurement depth depends on wavelength of the laser light and the separation distance of transmitting and recording optical fibers. We designed an LDF probe using two wavelengths of laser light (543 nm and 780 nm), and three separation distances of optical fibers to measure CBF in four layers of the cerebral cortex at the same time. In vitro comparison with electromagnetic flow measurements showed linear relationship between LDF and blood flow velocity at four depths within the range relevant to physiologic measurements. Using artificial brain tissue slices we showed that the signal for each channel decreased in a theoretically predictable fashion as a function of slice thickness. Application of adenosine at various depths in neocortex of halothane-anesthetized rats showed a predominant CBF increase at the level of application. Electrical stimulation at the surface of the cerebellar cortex demonstrated superficial predominance of increased CBF as predicted from the distribution of neuronal activity. In the cerebellum, hypercapnia increased CBF in a heterogeneous fashion, the major increase being at apparent depths of approximately 300 and 600 μm, whereas in the cerebral cortex, hypercapnia induced a uniform increase. In contrast, the CBF response to cortical spreading depression in the cerebral cortex was markedly heterogeneous. Thus, real-time laminar analysis of CBF with spatial resolution of 200 to 300 μm may be achieved by LDF. The real-time in depth resolution may give insight into the functional organization of the cortical microcirculation and adaptive features of CBF regulation in response to physiologic and pathophysiologic stimuli.

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