Cholesterol-induced high density lipoprotein(s), termed HDLc, is one of the abnormal lipoproteins which occur in experimental hypercholesterolemia in several animal species, including rats. Thus far, HDLc has been exclusively isolated by sequential ultracentrifugation followed by Geon-Pevikon block electrophoresis, which is time consuming and requires some specialized knowledge. In this report, a faster and more convenient alternative method for the isolation of HDLc is described. A combination of a single ultracentrifugation and agarose gel chromatography followed by concanavalin A-Sepharose affinity chromatography was employed. HDLc thus obtained was similar to and probably identical with the HDLc isolated by Geon-Pevikon electrophoresis, with respect to chemical composition, electrophoretic properties in agarose gel, apoprotein patterns in SDS polyacrylamide gel electro-phoresis, and electron micrographic appearance.