Numerous reports have been published in the past few years, concerning the treatment of familial benign chronic pemphigus. For the most part, these have been rather discouraging. Local treatment has consisted in the application of various ointments, including daxalan® (an ointment containing whole crude tar, incorporated in a special hydrophilic base), gadoment® (cod liver oil, 70 per cent, and phenol, 0.375 per cent, with zinc oxide and benzoin, in a wax base), desoxycorticosterone (20 mg. per 100 cc. of ointment base1) and penicillin ointment. Also superficial roentgen ray therapy has been employed. Internal treatment has consisted in the administration of vitamin A in large doses.2Injections of oxophenarsine hydrochloride (mapharsen®), oral administration of sulfapyridine, penicillin injections, autogenous vaccines, intravenous injection of Staphylococcus aureus vaccine combined with low power roentgen therapy and also staphylococcus toxoid injections have been tried.3All these have met