This paper considers the following model, described in terms of an investment problem. We have D units available for investment. During each of N time periods an opportunity to invest will occur with probability p. As soon as an opportunity presents itself, we must decide how much of our available resources to invest. If we invest y, then we obtain an expected profit P(y), where P is a nondecreasing continuous function. The amount y then becomes unavailable for future investment. The problem is to decide how much to invest at each opportunity so as to maximize total expected profit. When P(y) is a concave function, the structure of the optimal policy is obtained (§1). Bounds on the optimal value function and asymptotic results are presented in §2. A closed-form expression for the optimal value to invest is found in §3 for the special cases of P(y) = log y and P(y) = yα, for 0 < α < 1. §4 presents a continuous-time version of the model, i.e., we assume that opportunities occur in accordance with a Poisson process. Other applications of the model are also considered.