Jørgensen B: Osteochondrosis / osteoarthrosis and claw disorders in sows associated with leg weakness. Acta vet. scand. 2000, 41, 123–138. – The objective of this study was to investigate the associations between different leg weakness symptoms and osteochondrosis/osteoarthrosis and claw disorders in sows together with the influence of age on these findings. One hundred and seventeen sows in one herd were followed from 6 months of age until culling and judged for leg weakness once in every gestation using a scale from 1 (normal) to 4 (severe changes). At slaughter changes in joints, growth plates and claws were scored on a scale from 1 (normal) to 5 (very severe changes). Osteoarthrotic changes were strongly associated with osteochondral changes in humeral and femoral condyles. The clinical signs of osteochondrosis and osteoarthrosis were found to be: buck-kneed forelegs, turn out of fore and hind legs, upright pasterns on hind legs, stiff locomotion, lameness and tendency to slip. The clinical signs of claw lesions were found to be: buck-kneed forelegs, upright pasterns, steep hock joints, turn out of hind legs, standing under position on hind legs, stiff movements, swaying hindquarters, goose-stepping hind legs, tendency to slip and lameness. Overgrown claws were strongly associated with leg weakness indicating the need for claw trimming in sow populations.