Origin of mantle peridotite: Constraints from melting experiments to 16.5 GPa

Experimental data are reported for the melting of komatiite, peridotite, and chondrite compositions in the pressure range 5–16.5 GPa. All experiments were run using the multiple‐anvil apparatus facilities at Nagoya and Stony Brook. Equilibrium between coexisting crystals and liquid is demonstrated to occur in less than 3 min in the 2100°C range. The anhydrous solidus in CaO‐MgO‐Al2O3‐SiO2 has been calibrated and is shown to be about 100° higher than that for naturally occurring peridotite (KLB1). All melting curves have positive dT/dP. The effect of pressure is to expand the crystallization field of garnet at the expense of all other phases, resulting in a change in the liquidus phase from olivine to garnet at high pressures. The melting of rocks which contain the four crystalline phases olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and garnet is restricted to enstatite‐rich compositions such as chondrite. For these it is demonstrated that melting is peritectic, rather than eutectic, and takes the form L+Opx = Ol+Cpx+Gt. Partial melting yields liquids with the following properties: 5 GPa for komatiite; and 10–15 GPa for liquid peridotite with about 40% MgO, but one that is unlike mantle peridotite in that it is distinctly enriched in silica. These results provide a test and refutation of the model that upper mantle peridotite originated by direct initial melting of a chondritic mantle (Herzberg and O'Hara, 1985). Unlike chondrite, partial melting of peridotite does not usually involve orthopyroxene. Instead, it occurs by the generation of ultrabasic liquids along a cotectic involving L+Ol+Cpx+Gt. Although the thermal and compositional characteristics of this cotectic have not been fully calibrated, it is very likely that it will degenerate into a thermal minimum (L+Ol+Cpx+Gt), compositionally similar to komatiite at 5 GPa and mantle peridotite at 10–15 GPa. Peridotite liquids that occupy a thermal minimum can be derived from those formed from the melting of chondrite by removal of orthopyroxene, followed by fractional crystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene, and garnet. The possibility exists that the thermal minimum is compositionally identical to mantle peridotite in the 10–15 GPa range. If this can be confirmed by experiment, the upper mantle can be understood as having originated by the fractional crystallization of peridotite liquids in a large‐scale differentiation event, consistent with magma ocean models for an early Earth.