Somatotopic organization of hindlimb skin sensory inputs to the dorsal horn of hatchling chicks (Gallus g. domesticus)

The somatotopic organization of skin sensory nerve projections to the lumbosacral dorsal horn of hatchling chickens was determined with the aid of transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) processed with tetramethylbenzidine histochemistry, A total of eight hindlimb nerves were studied, five of which were purely cutaneous. When combined, the innervation fields of these nerves covered most of the hindlimb surface, allowing a nearly complete somatotopic map of the hindlimb to be generated. This report describes a novel pattern of cutaneous nerve projections to the dorsal horn. Unlike other vertebrates, cutaneous nerves of chickens formed two separate, somatotopically organized projections across the mediolateral axis of the dorsal horn; when serially reconstructed and superimposed, these projections produced two nonoverlapping somatotopic maps of the skin surface lying side by side. Each of these separate maps was nearly identical to the other in overall topology. These two separate maps appear to represent distinct modalities of sensory information, as projections composing the medial map were preferentially labeled by choleragenoid-HRP, whereas those composing the lateral map were preferentially labeled by wheat germ agglutinin-HRP. In mammals, these HRP ligands selectively label the central projections of myelinated and unmyelinated cutaneous afferents, respectively. The present study, therefore, strongly supports the cytoarchitectonic findings of Brinkman and Martin (Brain Res. 56:43–62, ′73) that lamina III lies medial, rather than ventral, to lamina II in the chicken dorsal horn. Further, the present studies also suggest that laminae II and III of chickens are homologous to the homonymous laminae in the dorsal horn of mammals.