Acute and Chronic Effects of Tributyltin of the Mysid Acanthomysis sculpta (Crustacea, Mysidacea)

Acute and chronic toxicity testing with tributyltin (TBT) leachate derived from panels painted with antifouling paint was performed using the mysid species Acanthomysis sculpta (Crustacea, Mysidacea) . Chronic tests were performed in a flow-through dosing regime ranging in concentrations from 0.03 to 0.52 ug/L TBT. A 96-hr static renewal acute toxicity test was performed within a dose range of 0.25 to 0.66 ug/L TBT. In all experiments TBT was measured by hydride derivatization and atomic absorption detection. A 96-h LC50 value for juveniles was determined at 0.42 ug/L TBT. Reproductive effects were the most sensitive sublethal indicator of TBT toxicity. A chronic value of 0.14 ug/l TBT was determined above which a significantly reduced release of viable juveniles was apparent. Length and weight, in adult females, were affected in concentrations above 0.31 ug/L TBT. Based on the 96-hr LC-50 and the most sensitive chronic value measured, that for reproduction, an acute/chronic ratio of 3.0 was calculated.