NMR methods were used to investigate a series of mutants of the pseudoknot within the gene 32messenger RNA of bacteriophage T2, for the purpose of investigating the range of sequences, stem and loop lengths that can form a similar pseudoknot structure. This information is of particular relevance since the T2 pseudoknot has been considered a representative of a large family of RNA pseudoknots related by a common structural motif, previously referred to as ‘common pseudoknot motif 1’ or CPK1. In the work presented here, a mutated sequence with the potential to form a pseudoknot with a 6 bp stem2 was shown to adopt a pseudoknot structure similar to that of the wild-type sequence. This result is significant in that it demonstrates that pseudoknots with 6 bp in stem2 and a single nucleotide in loopl are indeed feasible. Mutated sequences with the potential to form pseudoknots with either 5 or 8 bp in stem2 yielded NMR spectra that could not confirm the formation of a pseudoknot structure. Replacing the adenosine nucleotide in loopl of the wild-type pseudoknot with any one of G, C or U did not significantly alter the pseudoknot structure. Taken together, the results of this study provide support for the existence of a family of similarly structured pseudoknots with two coaxially stacked stems, either 6 or 7 bp in stem2, and a single nucleotide in loop1. This family includes many of the pseudo-knots predicted to occur downstream of the frameshift or readthrough sites in a significant number of viral RNAs.