Segregation of global and local motion processing in primate middle temporal visual area

The early stages of primate visual processing appear to be divided up into several component parts so that, for example, colour, form and motion are analysed by anatomically distinct streams. We have found that further subspecialization occurs within the motion processing stream. Neurons representing two different kinds of information about visual motion are segregated in columnar fashion within the middle temporal area of the owl monkey. These columns can be distinguished by labelling with 2-deoxyglucose in response to large-field random-dot patterns. Neurons in lightly labelled interbands have receptive fields with antagonistic surrounds: the response to a centrally placed moving stimulus is suppressed by motion in the surround. Neurons in more densely labelled bands have surrounds that reinforce the centre response so that they integrate motion cues over large areas of the visual field. Interband cells carry information about local motion contrast that may be used to detect motion boundaries or to indicate retinal slip during visual tracking. Band cells encode information about global motion that might be useful for orienting the animal in its environment.