Glassy cell carcinoma of the cervix

A clinicopathologic analysis of 13 cases of glassy cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix is presented. The glassy cell carcinoma is considered to be a poorly differentiated mixed adenosquamous carcinoma. Its histologic appearance is distinctive, being characterized by cells with a moderate amount of cytoplasm having a ground glass or finely granular appearance, a distinct cell wall that stains with eosin and PAS, and enlarged nuclei with prominent nucleoli. In the present study this tumor was associated with extrapelvic spread in 6/13 cases at diagnosis. Results were poor with either surgery and/or radiotherapy. Only four of 13 patients survived 5 years. The glassy cell carcinoma appears to be a distinct clinicopathologic entity which warrants a place in the classification of carcinoma of the cervix.