Large tunneling magnetoresistance enhancement by thermal anneal

Spin tunnel junctions with tunneling magnetoresistance of 36.5%±0.5%, resistance-area product of 35±6 kΩ×μm2, and junction area between 6 and 75 μm2 were fabricated. The barrier height is 2.5±0.3 eV and the barrier thickness is 7.7±0.3 Å. Large tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) values are obtained by vacuum anneal (at temperatures from 100 to 240 °C for over 5 h) of junctions prepared with as-deposited TMR of 21%±1.7%, and an as-deposited resistance-area product of 25±6 kΩ×μm2. Two regimes occur during anneal. The first one occurs for anneals up to 200 °C where TMR and junction resistance increase, but the barrier parameters are unaltered. The second occurs above 200 °C, where TMR increases faster, together with an increase in barrier height. At 240 °C, TMR starts to decrease. Rutherford backscattering analysis indicates an asymmetry in the oxygen distribution in the as-deposited barrier. The oxygen distribution becomes homogeneous for anneals above 150 °C.