A strategy for time dependent quantum mechanical calculations using a Gaussian wave packet representation of the wave function

We develop methodology for performing time dependent quantum mechanical calculations by representing the wave function as a sum of Gaussian wave packets (GWP) each characterized by a set of parameters such as width, position, momentum, and phase. The problem of computing the time evolution of the wave function is thus reduced to that of finding the time evolution of the parameters in the Gaussians. This parameter motion is determined by minimizing the error made by replacing the exact wave function in the time dependent Schrödinger equation with its Gaussian representation approximant. This leads to first order differential equations for the time dependence of the parameters, and those describing the packet position and the momentum of each packet have some resemblance with the classical equations of motion. The paper studies numerically the strategy needed to achieve the best GWP representation of time dependent processes. The issues discussed are the representation of the initial wave function, the numerical stability and the solution of the differential equations giving the evolution of the parameters, and the analysis of the final wave function. Extensive comparisons are made with an approximate method which assumes that the Gaussians are independent and their width is smaller than the length scale over which the potential changes. This approximation greatly simplifies the calculations and has the advantage of a greater resemblance to classical mechanics, thus being more intuitive. We find, however, that its range of applications is limited to problems involving localized degrees of freedom that participate in the dynamic process for a very short time. Finally we give particular attention to the notion that the GWP representation of the wave function reduces the dynamics of one quantum degree of freedom to that of a set of pseudoparticles (each represented by one packet) moving according to a pseudoclassical (i.e., classical-like) mechanics whose ‘‘phase space’’ is described by a position and momentum as well as a complex phase and width.

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