In a population study of 70-year-old people in Göteborg, 468 70-year-old men were examined in 1971/72 and then re-examined (342) in 1976/77 together with a cohort-comparison group of 489 70-year-old men. Registration twice or more at the Temperance Board (recidivists) was found to be the best epidemiological measurement available for previous alcohol abuse or large-scale alcohol consumption. About 10% in all three examination groups met this criterion. The morbidity of diabetes and chronic bronchitis, the consumption of care and the mortality rate were higher among recidivists. Furthermore, this study showed a lower functional ability in cognitive tests, muscle strength, gonadal function, pulmonary function, visual acuity, walking ability and density of the skeleton among recidivists. In chemical analysis of the blood several significant differences or obvious trends were found.