Effects of Silage Based Diets on Feed Intake, Milk Production, and Body Weight of Dairy Cows

Dairy cattle were assigned uniformly to three forage treatments by lactation number (mean -- 2.2) to compare intake, production, and body weight changes over three lactations. Forage treatments were corn silage ad libitum, corn silage restricted plus hay-crop silage, or hay ad libitum. Concentrate treatments, two pre- partum and two peak-lactation, were eval- uated also. Intakes for the three forage treatments were similar for concentrate, forage, and total dry matter intake. The four concentrate treatments had no con- sistent effects upon measures of intake. Milk production did not differ signifi- cantly among forage treatments. Changes of body weight were similar. Cows fed corn silage, corn silage plus hay-crop silage, and corn silage plus hay had similar feed intakes, milk production, and body weights. There was no advan- tage for hay included with corn silage.