Characterisation of a novel Mannheimia sp from Australian feedlot cattle

Objective To characterise eight isolates of a Gram-negative organism obtained from the upper respiratory tract of cattle showing evidence of mild upper respiratory tract disease. Design The isolates were compared with the five recognised species within the genus Mannheimia - M haemolytica, M glucosida, M granulomatis, M ruminalis and M varigena- using a range of phenotypic and genotypic methods. Results Phenotypic characterisation indicated that the isolates belonged to the trehalose-negative [Pasteurella] haemolytica complex. This complex has recently been reorganised into five species within the new genus Mannheimia. Ribotyping performed using Hin dIII and a computerised analysis system indicated that the eight Australian isolates formed a distinct cluster that was related to, but different from, the five recognised species of Mannheimia. The 16S rRNA sequence of one isolate (BNO311) was determined and a phylogenetic analysis performed. Isolate BNO311 was distinct from the five named Mannheimia spp but did join a larger cluster consisting of rRNA cluster IV (M varigena) and the unnamed rRNA cluster V of Mannheimia. DNA:DNA hybridisation between isolate BNO311 and M haemolytica NCTC 9380T, M granulomatis P411 and Actinobacillus ligniersii NCTC 4189T all suggested similarities of approximately 30%. Conclusions These phenotypic and genotypic characterisation studies suggest that the eight Australian isolates represent a new species of Mannheimia. Until further characterisation studies are performed, we are unwilling to propose a name for this taxon, preferring to refer to this possible new species as Bisgaard taxon 39 of cluster V of Mannheimia.

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