Overtone spectroscopy of the hydroxyl stretch vibration in hydroxylamine (NH2OH)

We present photoacoustic spectra of the second (3νOH), third (4νOH), and fourth (5νOH) overtone bands of the hydroxyl stretch vibration in hydroxylamine. Asymmetric rotor simulations of the rovibrational contours provide rotational constants and an estimate of the homogeneous linewidth. The fourth overtone band appears anomalously broad relative to the two lower bands, reflecting a sharp increase in the rate of intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution (IVR). By contrast, the calculated density of states increases smoothly with energy. The homogeneous linewidth of the fourth overtone transition is similar to that measured by Luo et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 93, 9194 (1990)] for the predissociative sixth overtone band, supporting the conclusion that the broadening arises from increased (ro)vibrational coupling at an energy between the third and fourth overtone states.