Somatic complements of 12 chromosomes have now been reported for 20 species of Calliphoridae, including Callitroga macellaria, Protocalliphora aenea, P. avium, P. hirundo, P. metallica, P. n. sp. near sialia, P. sialia, Phaenicia eximia, Eucalliphora lilaea, Cynomyopsis cadaverina, and Pollenia rudis, added in this report. Idiograms are presented of the karyotypes of most of these 11 species and several others concerning which only limited data were previously available. The sex chromosomes of certain species appear to have features common to the genera, tribes, and superfamilies to which they belong, but these features, and others involving autosomal pairs, cannot be considered as characteristic of the larger groups until data are available for the chromosomes of more of the species included in them. Data presented for different collections of six species suggest that some species have progressed further than others in the accumulation of intraspecific chromosomal differences of the kinds that are characteristic of interspecific chromosomal variations in higher Diptera.