Superhyperfine structure in the EPR spectrum of Yb3+ in cubic sites of CaF2 has been investigated with EPR at both 9 Gc/sec and 35 Gc/sec and with ENDOR at 9 Gc/sec. The EPR measurements showed that the superhyperfine splitting is anisotropic and that the number of observable lines (17 at 9 Gc/sec along 100) and the splitting of the lines is field-dependent. ENDOR measurements permitted complete interpretation of the EPR results. The superhyperfine structure arises from coupling to the nearest-neighbor fluorine nuclei. The Hamiltonian S·T·IF is used to describe the Yb3+-F interaction where T has axial symmetry. The principal values are|TII|=36.8±0.2 Mc/sec and|T|=15.9±0.1 Mc/sec where TII and T have opposite signs. The fluorine nuclear Zeeman term and the superhyperfine interaction are of the same order, resulting in a breakdown of the usual selection rules. The number, intensity, and splitting of the EPR superhyperfine lines have been calculated with these interaction parameters and they agree well with experiment. Small shifts in the fluorine ENDOR for Yb171(I=12) and Yb173(I=52) relative to the ENDOR for the even isotopes were observed which are due to the strong hyperfine coupling in the odd isotopes. Interpretation of TII and T in terms of an isotropic and an anisotropic interaction is given, and results are compared with those of other workers.

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