A Study on the Yield of (γ, p) Reactions with 20 MeV Bremsstrahlung

The yields of the (γ, p) reactions on 13 elements up to an atomic number of 80, irradiated with 20 MeV bremsstrahlung, have been given through the γ-ray spectrometric measurements of the resultant activities. The yield values, as measured in absolute disintegration rates at the end of irradiation per mole per roentgen, have been plotted against atomic number of the target nuclides. The shape of the yield curve thus obtained is similar to that of the curve for the photo-proton yield as a function of atomic number. The yield values are 105 order of magnitude in the lower-Z region, and drop rapidly with increasing atomic number up to a Z of 50. For barium and mercury targets, a yield value of 2.2×104 was obtained. Neutron excess nuclides were found to be restrictive to the (γ, p) processes. The present results permit a study of general behavior of the (γ,p) reaction yields as well as of the applicabilities of the resultant activities to photoactivation analyses for many elements distributed throughout the periodic table.

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