The specific heats of four bcc Ti-Mo alloys have been measured between 1.1° and 4.3°K, and at atomic fractional Mo concentrations between 0.0625 and 0.0860 (sufficient to stabilize the bcc phase). The normal state molar specific heats can be represented by the usual expression Cn=γT+βT3, where it is commonly assumed that γN(EF), the energy density of electronic states at the Fermi energy, and βθD3. For each of the alloys the apparent electronic superconducting state specific heat for 1.3<(TcT)<2.6 can be represented as CesγTc=aexp(bTcT) where a=10.5, b=1.52, and the superconducting transition temperature, Tc, is taken as the midpoint of the rather broad (≈0.45 K°) superconducting transition. The measured values of Tc, θD, and γ are all rapidly varying and nearly linear functions of atomic fractional Mo concentration, f. At the mean solute concentration (f=0.0742): Tc=2.59°K, dlnTcdf=+16.7; θD=337°K, dlnθDdf=6.2; γ=5.45 millijoules/mole (K°)2, dlnγdf=dlnN(EF)df=+7.7. On the basis of the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory of superconductivity, the relative variations of Tc, θD, and N(EF) indicate that the electron-electron interaction parameter of that theory, A, is a relatively slowly varying function of solute concentration (dlnAdf=3.0).

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