Response to measles revaccination among Bolivian school-aged children

The response to measles revaccination was evaluated in 1994 among 202 Bolivian school-aged children whose antibody levels were below 200 miu (milli-international units) by haemagglutination inhibition (HI) in a large-scale serosurvey conducted in Santa Cruz one year earlier. Of the 202 revaccinated children, 164 (82%) had seroconverted between the 1993 serosurvey and the pre-revaccination blood sample. A measles outbreak occurred in Santa Cruz 6 months before the revaccination. Among the seroconvertors, only 6% gave a history of measles, and 15% a history of contact with a case of measles. All 20 children with undetectable HI antibody pre-revaccination, and all 6 children with levels below 100 miu, seroconverted after revaccination. The geometric mean titres by HI at 4 weeks after revaccination were 2018 miu (95% confidence limits [95% CL] 1143, 3564) and 398 miu (95% CL 254, 625) in the 2 groups, respectively. Six of 9 children with pre-revaccination antibody titres of 100–199 miu also seroconverted. No child demonstrated a measles-specific immunoglobulin M response. Among the 29 children who seroconverted and were followed up at one year after revaccination, 15 (52%) showed a fourfold or greater decline in antibody levels, which in 8 fell to levels below 200 miu. This study confirmed the observation that revaccination is successful in producing an antibody response in children with low or undetectable pre-revaccination titres, but it also confirmed that vaccine-induced immunity wanes rapidly.