Electronic Raman scattering from the stress-split valley-orbit transition in Ge(As) is reported for uniaxial stress along both the [111] and [110] directions. Each of the observed spectral components is shown to obey the group theoretically derived selection rules. A detailed quantitative comparison of the experimental positions of the spectral components is made with the theoretical predictions of Price. Raman shifts associated with 1s{A1}1s(Γj) transitions (ΓiA1) can be accurately calculated using this theory. A discrepancy between theoretical predictions and the experimental results for the 1s{A1}1s(A1) transitions is attributed to stress-induced hybridization between the 1s(A1) and 2s{A1} states. After including hybridization effects the agreement between theoretical predictions and the experimental spectral positions is excellent. The shear deformation potential, Ξu, for the 1s manifold of impurity states was determined to be 17.8 ± 0.5 eV. The experimentally determined intensities of the observed electronic Raman lines are compared with theoretical calculations for the stress-dependent Raman cross section of the valley-orbit transition.