A careful study of the literature since 1866 reveals comparatively few reports of recurrent meningitis, and none similar to the case presented here. Weitzel1reports the case of an aviator who had recovered from an attack of cerebrospinal meningitis and, at a later date, after injury to the skull, suffered a fatal recurrence. The author makes mention of the well known fact that the persistence of germs in the natural cavities might, under the influence of an injury, be awakened and incite a new infection. Zoeller2reports the case of a student marine who had his first attack of meningitis, Jan. 21, 1924, the second one three weeks later, and the third attack three months after the second. Only during the third attack were the meningococci definitely isolated from the spinal fluid. Gordon3reports a series of ten cases of meningococcus meningitis, the longest duration of any

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