Mutagenesis studies of conserved proline residues of human P2X1 receptors for ATP indicate that proline 272 contributes to channel function

Proline residues can play a major role in the secondary structure of proteins. In the extracellular ATP binding loop of P2X receptors there are four totally conserved proline residues (P2X1 receptor numbering; P93, P166, P228 and P272) and three less conserved residues P196 (six of seven isoforms), P174 and P225 (five of seven isoforms). We have mutated individual conserved proline residues in the human P2X1 receptor and determined their properties. Mutants were expressed in Xenopus oocytes and characterized using a two‐electrode voltage clamp. Mutants P166A, P174A, P196A, P225A and P228A had no effect on ATP potency compared with wild‐type and P93A had a fourfold decrease in ATP potency. The P272A, P272D and P272K receptor mutants were expressed at the cell surface; however, these mutants were non‐functional. In contrast, P272I, P272G and P272F produced functional channels, with either no effect or a 2.5‐ or 6.5‐fold increase in ATP potency, respectively. At P272F receptors the apparent affinity of the ATP analogue antagonist 2′,3′‐O‐(2,4,6‐trinitrophenyl)‐ATP was increased by 12.5‐fold. These results suggest that individual proline residues are not essential for normal P2X receptor function and that the receptor conformation around P272 contributes to ATP binding at the receptor.