Granulosa‐cell and theca‐cell tumors: The clinical picture and long‐term outcome for the radiumhemmet series

Over the period 1923-1972 a total of 305 patients with granulosa-cell, theca-cell tumor and mixed tumor were seen. The commonest symptom was abnormal uterine bleeding. Of married women, 23% were nulliparous. The menarche seems to have occurred earlier in this group than in the general population. Of the granulosa-cell tumor group, 8 gave birth to 12 children after treatment for the tumor. Women (19) with granulosa-cell tumor and 4 with thecoma received radiotherapy earlier in life for benign lesions. The risk of endometrial cancer was approximately 10 times greater for the women with granulosa- or theca-cell tumor than for the general population. Patients (252) were given both surgical treatment and radiotherapy; 53 received only surgery (37 granulosa-cell and 16 theca-cell tumors). No thecoma patients but 21% of those with granulosa-cell tumor died from their disease. The 5 yr survival for the latter group, all stages, was 85%.