Mesophyll cell nuclei isolated from leaves of Pennisetum purpureum were analysed by flow cytometry to determine the nuclear DNA content and the percentage of cells in different phases of the cell cycle. Samples taken from base, middle and tip regions of leaves 2 to 8 (leaf 1, which was adjacent to the meristem, was too small to sample) showed no significant differences in the amount of DNA per G1 nucleus due to either age or position. The average amount of DNA per G1 nucleus was 5.78 pg. Although the majority of cells for each sample were in G1, samples taken from older leaves had higher percentages of cells in G2 and S phases. More specifically, base and middle regions of older leaves had a higher percentage of cells in G2 than all three positions in younger leaves. Electrophoretic analysis of nuclear DNA from leaves 2 to 7 showed no evidence of degradation or difference in fragment size for any sample or position. This study was compared to previous work on the relationship between leaf age and embryogenic competence in Pennisetum purpureum. The results suggest that changes in the cell cycle, and/or a loss or fragmentation of the nuclear DNA, are not responsible for loss of embryogenic competence in mature leaf tissue.