Sexual patterns of 416 cervical cancer patients were compared with those of 416 controls, matched in pairs by age, race and religion. Minimal differences are reported for coital positions and frequencies, masturbatory techniques and frequencies, orgasmic frequencies, numbers of pregnancies and deliveries, numbers of spontaneous and induced abortions, and for age onset, duration, interval and regularity of menses. Significant excesses of patients began coitus during adolescence and married earlier and experienced multiple sexual mates and multiple marriages. Also significant, but borderline or inconclusive, are excesses of patients for: premarital coitus, earlier onset of masturbation, younger at first orgasm, douched, earlier onset of menopause. More controls were found to have used diaphragm, cervical jelly and rhythm methods of contraception, and to have experienced intercourse only with circumcised males. Excesses of patients douched with the same commercial product. All patients had coitus with at least 1 male partner. Additionally, the following results are reported for a substudy of 97 patients and 97 matching controls: a considerable excess of patients with 1st coitus in a hotel or motel; and excesses of controls with 1st coitus generally in association with prearranged and more hygienic conditions.