Obesity is an increasing health problem in most developed countries and its prevalence is also increasing in developing countries. There has been no great success with dietary means and life style modification for permanent weight loss. Various surgical treatment methods for obesity are now available. They are aimed at limiting oral energy intake with or without causing dumping or inducing selective maldigestion and malabsorption. Based on current literature, up to 75% of excess weight is lost by surgical treatment with concomitant disappearance of hyperlipidaemias, type 2 diabetes, hypertension or sleep apnoea. The main indication for operative treatment is morbid obesity (body mass index greater than 40 kg/m2) or severe obesity (body mass index > 35 kg/m2) with comorbidities of obesity. Orlistat is a new inhibitor of pancreatic lipase enzyme. At doses of 120 mg three times per day with meals it results in a 30% reduction in dietary fat absorption, which equals approximately 200 kcal daily energy deficit. In the long term, orlistat has been shown to be more effective than placebo in reducing body weight and serum total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. Orlistat has a lowering effect on serum cholesterol independent of weight loss. Along with weight loss, orlistat also favourably affects blood pressure and glucose and insulin levels in obese individuals and in obese type 2 diabetic patients.