Exposure to O°C for 4 weeks caused a threefold increase in cell membrnno permeability of mature-green tomato fruits (susceptible to chilling injury) hut had no effect on that of cabbage leaves (not susceptible). While tomato fruits chilled for 12 days lost two-thirds of their capacity to esterify phosphate at 20°0, a steady rise in this capacity occurred during chilling of cabbage leaves for 5 weeks. In tomato fruits the rate of phosphate esterification at the chilling temperature fell in 12 days to about one-half of the rate at the commencement of chilling .. It is suggested that the characteristic symptoms of chilling injury in mature-green tomato fruits, viz. increased susceptibility to fungal attack and loss of the capacity to ripen normally. may result from an energy deficit caused by a chilling. induced reduction in the phosphorylative capacity of the tissue.