The linear σ model is used to study how full chiral symmetry is realized as the (3,3*) + (3*,3) interaction is turned off. The Lagrangian which fits the observed spin-zero mass spectrum chooses either a normal realization with degenerate SU(3) × SU(3) multiplets or a Goldstone realization with an octet of massless pseudoscalar mesons, depending on whether the mass term of the Lagrangian is greater or less than a certain critical value. The value of the mass term depends sensitively on the masses of the I=0 scalar resonances and present knowledge of these masses is compatible with either type of realization. However, the values of the nucleon σ commutators calculated from meson-nucleon scattering data can resolve this issue. For the normal solution the πNσ commutator is predicted to be about 75 MeV, whereas for the Goldstone solution the prediction is 30 MeV. The symmetry-breaking parameters are a=0.91 and b=0.16 independent of how full symmetry is achieved.

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