We described a new ventricular catheter that is the combination of a "classic" ventricular catheter with a piezo-resistive transducer at its tip. The device allows parallel recordings of intraventricular fluid pressure via a chip and a fluid-filled external transducer, drainage of cerebrospinal fluid from the ventricle or injection of fluid into the ventricle with simultaneous monitoring of intracranial pressure, and recording of brain tissue pressure in cases of misplacement or dislocation of the ventricular catheter or in cases of progressively narrowing ventricles caused by brain edema. Clinical tests in various situations at different pressure ranges (total recording time, 1356 h in 13 patients) gave excellent correlations of both pressures. Application of the device is especially indicated in clinical situations in which pressure-controlled drainage is desirable, occlusion of ventricular bolts is likely, or pressure-volume tests are needed.