In 1849, I had the honour of laying before the Royal Society a memoir on Lepidogenesis , in which I chiefly directed attention to the structure and growth of the dermal teeth and scales of Ganoid and Placoid fish*. Since the completion of that memoir, a large proportion of such leisure hours as could be snatched from the active duties of professional life, have been devoted to a still wider range of inquiry connected with the same subject. During the interval, I have made a great number of sections and other microscopic preparations of scales belonging to M. Agassiz’s Cycloid and Ctenoid orders, as well as of the Ostraciont family of his Ganoid order: the results of the investigation having convinced me, that the structure of these organisms has hitherto been very imperfectly known, I am not surprised that their genesis and development have been involved in considerable obscurity. A list of the various writers who have preceded me in this inquiry, was given in my last memoir. From this, it will be necessary to select two of the most modern observers, and to notice what their respective views are, in order that we may com­prehend the bearing of my more recent observations upon those of my predecessors in the study: these are, M. Mandl and M. Agassiz.

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