The flowing afterglow/Langmuir probe (FALP) technique has been extended to enable the neutral products of electron–ion dissociative recombination in thermalized afterglows to be identified by spectroscopic methods. Absolute number densities of H atoms in the afterglow have been determined using vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) absorption at the Lα wavelength. By exploiting the reaction H+NO2→OH+NO, all of the H atoms can be incorporated into OH molecules and thus observation of the intensity of laser induced fluorescence (LIF) If, obtained by exciting the (1,0) band of OH(A 2Σ←X 2Π), allows a calibration to be obtained of If against the known number density of OH X 2Π(ν‘=0) in the afterglow. Following this procedure, a recombining HCO+2 /electron afterglow was probed for production of ground state OH X 2Π(ν‘=0) using LIF and it was established that OH(ν‘=0) resulted from 17% of the recombining ground state HCO+2 ions. It was also established that a further 17% of the recombinations resulted in OH(ν‘>0), i.e., that, in total, (34±6)% of the HCO+2 ions recombine to produce OH X 2Π radicals, either directly or via the electronically excited A 2Σ state. Details of the calibration procedure for H and OH number densities, of the ion chemistry involved in the production of the HCO+2 afterglow plasmas and of the checks carried out to establish that the fluorescence observed was from OH produced in the recombination reaction are presented. During these experiments, the rate coefficient at 300 K for the H+NO2 reaction was determined to be 1.3×10−10 cm3 s1 from observations of the H‐atom decay as a function of NO2 number density in the afterglow (in good agreement with previous determinations). Also the rate coefficient for the quenching reaction of OH(ν‘>0) with NO to produce OH(ν‘=0) was determined to be 6×10−11 cm3 s1.