Regge-Pole Model for the Secondary Maxima inπNandNNScattering and the No-Compensation Mechanism

The dip-bump structure in the low-energy π±p elastic differential cross section has been studied. We find that a zero in the helicity nonflip amplitude of the P trajectory gives a natural explanation of this structure. At the same time we have consistently fitted the high-energy π±p total and differential cross sections, the π±p polarizations, and the πp charge-exchange differential cross-section data. The helicity nonflip amplitude of the P trajectory will vanish at αP=0 if the P trajectory chooses what we call the no-compensation mechanism. Consistent with our π±p solution, the pp and p¯p total and differential cross sections can also be well fitted. The secondary maximum in the low-energy p¯p differential cross section is reproduced.